A friend of mine was recently talking to an importer who represented an enormous rubber plantation in Sri Lanka. Evidently, the first step in making rubber is for someone to…
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Why Leaders Are Persuadable
What would you say is the most disappointing societal change in your lifetime? I’m not talking about wars or long-term human problems like racism. I’m talking about some change that…
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Conscious Capitalism and Your Business
There is a lot of conversation happening about what capitalism means, and how it might morph to address a changing society. Have you noticed it? I feel that there has…
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France, “Le Hashtag”, and Digital Language
When I was living in France as a college student many years ago, my fellow students and I were greatly amused by the valiant effort of the French government to…
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Travel Insights: The Trust Economy & Denmark
Why is the “trust economy” growing while we trust each other less? What accounts for the incredible growth of companies that leverage the peer-to-peer trust model, where two individuals who…
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Gary Vaynerchuk Talks To Bankers
I am currently at the BAI Retail Delivery Show, which is an annual conference for those who sell retail financial services to consumers (translation: Banks and Credit Unions). The tagline…
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